General Delivery Terms and Conditions of Menuez International B.V. for Business Customers
Filed with the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht under number: 30270843
- Account: the account that the Customer can create via the MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. website and can use to place orders.
- Content: information files, including but not limited to logos, brands, fonts, and other files that the Customer uploads to their Account to compose and order (Electronic) Products.
Electronic Product: a work of any form produced and delivered electronically by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. based on an order by the Customer in execution of the Agreement.
The Product provided electronically by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. to the Customer based on an order.
- Customer: the individual or entity entering into an Agreement with MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
- Delivery Terms: these general terms and conditions of MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
- Online Availability: the provision of access to Electronic Products via an electronic communication network.
- Agreement(s): all (written) agreements between MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and the Customer, where the Customer may use their Account to place orders for Content and/or Products, and MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. delivers the Content and/or Products.
- Products: any work produced and delivered in physical form by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. in execution of the Agreement.
- System: the computer system of MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., through which the Customer can place an order via their Account, by mail or electronically.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V: Menuez International B.V.
- Shipping: delivering Content and/or Products to the Customer in physical form or via an electronic communication network.
Applicability of Delivery Terms
- These Delivery Terms apply to all Agreements between MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and its Customers unless expressly deviated from in writing.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. expressly excludes the applicability of additional or other (general) conditions.
- If these Delivery Terms conflict with the Customer's (general) conditions that MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and/or the Customer have declared applicable to an Agreement, these Delivery Terms shall prevail.
- The Customer can create an Account via the MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. website.
- The Customer can upload Content to their Account to use in composing (Electronic) Products. The Customer is responsible for ensuring all necessary usage rights for the Content's use by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. (in the Agreement's execution) and by the Customer.
- The Customer can place orders for (Electronic) Products through their Account.
- The Account may only be used for the intended purposes: composing (Electronic) Products and placing orders with MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
Prior to using the Account, the Customer will receive the following from MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.:
- necessary documentation for the Account and the System;
- usernames and passwords granting the Customer's users access to the Account and the electronic ordering system for placing orders.
- Login details and Account use are strictly personal. The Customer is not allowed to share login details as referred to in section 3 of this article with third parties or to allow third parties to use their Account.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. is not liable for damages or costs arising from misuse of login details, unauthorized access to and use of the Account, including unauthorized Content uploads and unauthorized orders via the Account.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has the right to (temporarily) block Account access for the Customer at any time for any reason.
- Upon discovering unauthorized Account use, MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and the Customer will inform each other as soon as possible.
- The Customer acknowledges and accepts that (temporary) Account suspension means the Customer can no longer place online orders.
If unauthorized Account use is attributable to the Customer, the Customer shall reimburse MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. for the following:
- all technical and administrative costs MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has incurred and may incur;
- all costs resulting from unauthorized Account use.
Products and Electronic Products
- All specifications by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. regarding data size, required access software for (Electronic) Products, or figures, dimensions, weights, colors, and/or other indicators of (Electronic) Products are provided with care. MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. does not guarantee that there may be no deviations.
The Offer
- Unless expressly stated otherwise in writing, all offers made by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. are non-binding and are valid for thirty days. MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. reserves the right to retract the offer within two working days after the Customer’s acceptance.
- The offer will indicate if it is subject to conditions.
- The offer contains a complete and accurate description of the (Electronic) Products offered by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., detailed enough for the Customer to assess the offer properly. Obvious errors or mistakes in the offer are not binding on MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
The Agreement
- The Customer may place an order with MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. in writing (also by email), by phone, or via their Account.
- An Agreement with a Customer only comes into effect after MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has confirmed it in writing or by email.
- If MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. is obligated to deliver a series of (Electronic) Products, this clause only applies to the first delivery.
- By placing an order or request, the Customer accepts these Delivery Terms as binding and applicable to the Agreements.
- The content of the Customer’s order or request, as received by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., constitutes the Agreement between MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and the Customer. Errors in the order or request made by the Customer are at the Customer's risk.
- A copy of an Agreement formed electronically is archived by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. but is not accessible to the Customer.
- Customer-provided data at the time of ordering or request will be collected and stored in MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s customer database, processed according to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.’s privacy statement.
- The Customer pays the price specified in the Agreement for the (Electronic) Products.
- Prices are exclusive of VAT, other government levies, import and export duties, and customs clearance fees unless otherwise agreed in writing by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and the Customer.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. reserves the right to change prices on its websites, in advertisements, or otherwise, without prior notice.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. will notify the Customer of any price change in advance whenever possible.
- If the Customer disagrees with a price increase, they may cancel the Agreement in writing for the specific order affected by the price increase. MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. is not liable for any damages resulting from this cancellation. If the Customer does not terminate the Agreement within five working days after notification of the price increase by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., the Customer is considered to have agreed to the price adjustment.
- Payment is made based on invoices sent by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
- The Customer will pay the amounts owed within fourteen (14) days from the invoice date to the bank account specified by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. reserves the right to demand prepayment, cash payment, or security for payment from the Customer at any time. If prepayment, cash payment, or security is required, the Customer may not claim any rights regarding the specific order’s execution until MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has received the agreed payment or the Customer has provided security.
- Payments made by the Customer are first applied to all outstanding interest and costs. Subsequently, the payments settle the oldest outstanding and due invoices. This is also the case if the Customer indicates that the payment applies to a later invoice.
- The Customer is not entitled to offset any claims they have against MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., regardless of the reason.
- The Customer may not suspend their payment obligation to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. for any reason.
- All payment terms set by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. are final deadlines. If the Customer fails to pay on time, they are in default without notice.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. is entitled to charge statutory commercial interest from the invoice’s due date.
- If the Customer fails to pay on time, they are also liable for extrajudicial costs, calculated according to Recommendation II of the Voorwerk II Report. MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. reserves the right to charge actual costs incurred, including any judicial costs and legal fees, if these exceed the amount calculated based on the Voorwerk II Report.
- If the Customer fails to fulfill any obligation, MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. is entitled to terminate the Agreement extrajudicially and suspend further deliveries. This does not affect MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s right to claim damages from the Customer due to the Agreement's termination.
Retention of Title
- Ownership of the (Electronic) Products to be delivered only transfers to the Customer once they have paid all amounts owed under the Agreement to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., including any interest and collection costs.
- The ownership of the delivered Electronic Product is limited to the data file itself provided to the Customer.
Delivery, Execution, and Risk Transfer
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. shall exercise the utmost care in receiving and executing orders for (Electronic) Products.
- The delivery location for physical Products is the address provided by the Customer to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., unless otherwise agreed in writing.
- The transport method for physical Products is determined by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. determines the file format and, if applicable, the type of storage medium for delivering Electronic Products. For electronic or digital deliveries, MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. also decides on the delivery method.
- Data files associated with a delivery do not contain source code and are thus not source files. The Customer has no right to source file delivery unless agreed otherwise in writing. Intellectual property rights on source files remain with MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. or its suppliers.
- Delivery timelines set by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. are target dates, not strict deadlines.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. may suspend its obligations to the Customer if the Customer has not fulfilled all their (payment) obligations arising from any legal relationship with MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
- If delivery of a (Electronic) Product proves impossible, MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. will endeavor to make a substitute (Electronic) Product available and notify the Customer in advance.
- The risk of damage, loss, or corruption of a physical Product transfers to the Customer upon delivery unless expressly agreed otherwise.
- For Electronic Products downloaded online by the Customer, the risk transfers at the moment the download of the data file containing the Electronic Product begins.
Force Majeure
- Force majeure refers to any failure that cannot be attributed to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., as it is not due to its fault and is not accountable under law, legal act, or generally accepted standards.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has the right to suspend the Agreement's performance for the duration of the force majeure. MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. will inform the Customer by email and indicate a new delivery timeline.
- If the force majeure situation lasts longer than three months, either MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. or the Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement for the specific order without MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. being liable for any damages arising from this termination.
Complaints Procedure and Returns
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has a complaints procedure and will handle complaints in accordance with this procedure.
- The Customer is required to inspect the delivered items for defects upon delivery.
- Complaints about the Agreement’s execution or defects in the delivered items must be submitted to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. within ten working days of receipt of the (Electronic) Product, in full and with details.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. will respond to complaints within five working days from receipt. If a complaint requires a longer processing time, MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. will send an acknowledgment within five working days, along with an estimated timeline for a more detailed response.
- Complaints may be submitted via the website’s contact form, email ([](mailto:, or by phone.
- Returns of physical Products are only accepted if they are undamaged, returned immediately in their original packaging, and comply with section 3 of this article.
- Delivered storage media with Electronic Products may only be returned if the packaging is unopened and undamaged.
The following items cannot be returned:
- (Electronic) Products created according to Customer specifications, such as custom (Electronic) Products and items with a personal nature or those that cannot be returned due to their nature;
- Electronic Products downloaded online by the Customer.
Liability and Indemnification
- Despite MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s utmost care regarding the delivered content, MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. cannot guarantee the absence of errors or omissions in (Electronic) Products. MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., its staff, and third parties it engages are not liable for such errors or omissions, except as stipulated in this article 13.
- The total liability of MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. due to an attributable failure in the performance of the Agreement to deliver a (Electronic) Product or service is limited to compensation for direct damage up to the amount equal to the price agreed upon in the Agreement (excluding taxes). If the Agreement is primarily a long-term contract exceeding one year, the amount is based on the fees agreed for one year. In any case, the total compensation per year for direct damage shall not exceed €10,000.
Direct damage includes only:
- reasonable costs incurred by the Customer to ensure MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s performance aligns with the Agreement;
- reasonable costs incurred to determine the cause and scope of damage, insofar as it relates to direct damage in this article;
- reasonable costs incurred to prevent or limit damage, provided the Customer demonstrates these costs reduced direct damage as defined in this article.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. is only liable for damage if the Customer reports it in a detailed written statement within ten days of the damage occurring.
If a court determines that the delivered item infringes on a third party’s intellectual property rights due to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s fault, MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. will, at its discretion:
- provide a modified version of the (Electronic) Product that does not infringe; or
- refund the Customer’s paid fees for the (Electronic) Product, where applicable, upon return of the physical Product or deletion of the Electronic Product data file and cessation of use.
MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has no obligation to pay damages in this context.
- Total liability for death, bodily harm, or property damage is limited to the insurance coverage, up to €1,250,000 per incident.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. is not liable for indirect damages such as lost revenue, lost profits, missed savings, business interruptions, or any other damages outside those mentioned in this article unless caused by intentional or reckless actions by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. or third parties engaged by it.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. is not liable for damage due to incorrect or improper use of the delivered items by the Customer or any third party.
- The Customer may only invoke consequences of MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s breach after issuing a formal written notice of default, and MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. continues to default after a reasonable period set therein.
- A series of related incidents causing damage is considered a single incident under this article.
- The Customer indemnifies MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. against third-party claims regarding any Content uploaded to the Account for (Electronic) Products.
- The Customer indemnifies MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. against claims regarding the items or services MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. provides unless caused by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s intentional or reckless behavior and no fault of the Customer.
Intellectual Property Rights
- All intellectual property rights on delivered or made available items, including copyrights, trademarks, and design rights, as well as similar rights like neighboring rights, database rights, and know-how protection rights, are vested solely in MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. or its licensors.
- The Customer acknowledges the intellectual property rights of MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and its licensors.
- Without prior written permission from MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., it is prohibited to reproduce, alter, or publish any content or (Electronic) Products provided by MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. wholly or partially, except for intended use, which may be defined by a usage right.
- Agreements or actions between MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and the Customer do not transfer intellectual property rights unless expressly agreed.
- The Customer must immediately report suspected third-party infringements on MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s intellectual property rights, and may not take independent legal action. MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. will decide on any action and may request the Customer’s cooperation.
- The Customer may not modify or remove MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.’s marks, including brands and trade names, on delivered or made available items.
Data Protection
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. respects the privacy of Customers and ensures confidential handling of personal information provided.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. uses data as described in its privacy policy.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. may impose guidelines on the Customer regarding personal data protection in compliance with applicable laws. The Customer shall adhere strictly to these guidelines.
- If the Customer provides personal data to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., they must inform the individuals concerned about the data provision, its purpose, and MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s use, unless otherwise agreed.
- The Customer indemnifies MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. against third-party claims concerning any registered or processed personal data in compliance with Customer’s responsibility under law, unless attributable solely to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. does not guarantee that its information security will be effective under all circumstances. Security will meet a level not unreasonable, considering technology, data sensitivity, and related costs.
Limitation and Expiration
- All legal claims against MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V., including claims for damages, expire or lapse one year after the claim or right arises.
Amendments to the Agreement and Delivery Terms
- Amendments, additions, or modifications to an Agreement with a Customer are only valid if documented in writing and signed by both MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and the Customer.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. reserves the right to modify the Delivery Terms at any time.
Termination and Consequences
MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect by written notice if:
- the Customer remains in default after formal notice regarding any obligation;
- the Customer uses the provided items in violation of applicable usage rights or infringes on intellectual property rights;
- the Customer requests or is granted suspension of payments;
- the Customer is declared bankrupt or bankruptcy is requested;
- a debt restructuring request is submitted for the Customer;
- the Customer is placed under guardianship or administration;
- substantial debt-related property of the Customer is seized and the seizure persists for over two months;
- the Customer ceases or liquidates their business operations, in whole or in part.
- In case of termination, all payments owed by the Customer to MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. become immediately due.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. shall not be liable for damages or payments due to termination based on section 1 of this article, notwithstanding MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s right to full compensation for damages caused by the Customer’s violation of obligations.
MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect by written notice if:
Miscellaneous Provisions
- The Customer is not permitted to transfer rights and obligations from the Agreement to third parties without written consent from MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.
- If any provisions in an Agreement or these Delivery Terms are void or nullifiable, this does not affect the validity of the Agreement, the Delivery Terms, or other provisions.
- All costs MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. incurs to maintain or exercise rights under the Agreement and/or Delivery Terms are at the Customer's expense.
- MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. has the right to transfer its rights and/or obligations from the Agreement to third parties. The Customer must cooperate with this transfer upon MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V.'s request.
Applicable Law and Disputes
- All Agreements between MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and the Customer are governed solely by Dutch law. The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention is excluded.
- Any disputes arising between MENUEZ INTERNATIONAL B.V. and the Customer regarding an Agreement will be submitted to the competent court in Utrecht.